Senior Adult Ministry


We have an active group of Senior Adults at First Baptist Church with many opportunities for Worship, Ministry, and Fellowship. 

Ageless Adventurers

We enjoy meetings, games, visiting nursing homes, and getting together for luncheons and covered dish dinners.

Our motto is ‘you don’t stop playing when you get old, you get old when you stop playing.’ We welcome new people and new ideas; come and join us.

Singin’ Seniors

Singin’ Seniors is perhaps our most lively group practice.

They practice on Tuesday mornings at 11:00. The group gathers for lunch together every first Tuesday of the month. This group presents a Fall musical each year that is well attended by the congregation and community. The Singin’ Seniors take over the choir loft during July and August while the Chancel Choir is on vacation. If you love music, laughter, and good food this is the group for you.

Quarterly Bible Study

We offer quarterly Bible studies weekly during the day for our seniors.

It is a wonderful time of study, discussion, and fellowship – we hope you will come join us!

Mission Mondays

Our Senior Adults are actively engaged in ministering to our community.

They have served at Bright Futures and have helped in churchwide missions as well.

Homebound Ministry Team

The Homebound Ministry Team of First Baptist Church is a group of church members ready and competent to respond to the homebound members of our congregation and their needs.

These persons are also available to the homebound member’s family and can refer the homebound to professionally trained counselors or the pastor.

This team meets on a monthly basis to maintain a current listing of the church’s homebound members. Each homebound member is assigned a “shepherd” who works in partnership with the member’s deacon. This shepherd keeps in touch with the homebound through visits, phone calls and cards.

Support is adjusted according to the homebound members’ wishes and the needs of their families.

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