Youth & Young Adult Ministries
Youth Ministry
A Place to Grow. A Place of Acceptance. A Place to Serve.
The youth ministry at First Baptist Church is a vibrant community of students from grades 6-12. Alongside adult leaders, our youth seek to serve God and neighbor through in-depth Bible studies, mission projects, community service, and friendship.
Discipleship & Bible Study
The youth group meets twice a week for Bible study and fellowship.
Youth Sunday morning Bible study features a large group gathering followed by Sunday school classes for middle schoolers and high schoolers. The Bible and its context are of utmost importance as a resource to learn and grow. Both high school and middle school students learn about and discuss the Bible, its formation, and how it can shape their lives.
On Wednesday nights the whole group meets together for games, Bible study, and fellowship led by Pastor Ethan and adult leaders. One Wednesday each month the youth do a mission/community service project. As students engage in Bible studies and discipleship, they will be given the opportunity to ask questions and express doubts. Youth Wednesday nights and Sunday School are safe places where these questions can be explored together.
Sunday Schedule
9:45am Youth Sunday Opening & Prayer (meets downstairs in the 301 House) 10:00
10:45am Youth Bible Study Middle School (grades 6-8) meets downstairs in the 301 House High School (grades 9-12) meets upstairs in the 301 House
Throughout the year the youth have many other trips and mission activities.
More Information
For more information, please contact Pastor Ethan.
Young Adult Ministry
Holy Guacamole
The young adults meet the last Thursday of the month to have a meal and fellowship with one another at a local restaurant. This is a time of fun and an opportunity to discuss faith and spirituality in an ever-changing world.